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OB/OG Party
5年ぶりにOB/OG会を開催しました! OB/OG MLが届いていない人は secretaryssc.pe.titech.ac.jp まで連絡ください!
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Prof. Patrick Mercier
カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)からのPatrick Mercier教授に東工大に訪問頂き、ご講演くださいました! Speaker: Prof. Patrick P. Mercier, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Title: “Low-Power Standards-Compatible Wireless Communications Circuits for Next-Generation IoT and Wearable Applications” Abstract: Emerging Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices for use in smart homes, wearable systems, industrial monitoring, smart cities, and beyond all require robust yet low-power wireless communications. Unfortunately, most current wireless standards do not intrinsically support low-power operation due to strict requirements on modulation formats, data rates, linearity, packet overheads, and so on. These restrictions impose minimum power consumption requirements for cellular standards (e.g., GSM, LTE, and 5G) and WiFi, but also surprisingly limit the ability of supposedly low-power standards (e.g., Bluetooth Low Energy and Narrowband-IoT) from reaching new application-enabling power levels. This presentation will outline the major challenges facing power reduction in modern wireless systems, and will describe several possible solutions to these challenges. Specifically, we will explore the use of wake-up receivers as a means to reduce the power overhead of between-node synchronization. Then, we will discuss an alternative communication scheme that can help to reduce the power of communication in WiFi, BLE, and body-area-network systems by >1,000x through use of standards-compatible backscatter communication systems, including the latest developments incorporating retroreflection and beam steering. We will also discuss related sensing circuit opportunities to round out the application space.
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博士課程のHans HERDIANさんの博士論文発表会を開催しました!
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VLSI Symposiumで3件発表
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology & CircuitsでChenxin Liuさん、加藤さん、Yi Zhangさんが発表しました! Chenxin Liu “A 640-Gb/s 4x4-MIMO D-Band CMOS Transceiver Chipset” Sena Kato “A 28GHz 5G NR Wirelessly Powered Relay Transceiver Using Rectifier-Type 4th-Order Sub-Harmonic Mixer” Yi Zhang “A 28GHz 4-Stream Time-Division MIMO Phased-Array Receiver Utilizing Nyquist-Rate Fast Beam Switching for 5G and Beyond”
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サブテラヘルツ帯CMOS ICで640Gbpsの無線伝送に成功
超高速無線通信を用いた遠隔医療や自動運転の実装に前進 要点 世界最速の640 Gbpsの伝送速度を達成するCMOS送受信ICを開発 次世代無線通信での周波数候補であるD帯(110-170 GHz)で動作 超高速通信を用いた新サービスの創出や次世代通信インフラへの応用を期待
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電子情報通信学会 論文賞
山崎 雄大さんが、電子情報通信学会 論文賞を受賞しました!
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田 安宜(Anyi Tian)さんが東京工業大学 SSSマッチングワークショップでBEST SEED AWARDを受賞しました !!
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MCRG研究会を開催しました(2024/5/24)。 コロナ禍もあり、最後の対面開催が2020/1/16だったので、4年3か月ぶりでした。 5/24(Fri) 17:30-18:30 招待講演 @ S4-202 (S422) 環境社会理工学院 笠井 康子先生 「月に行ってテラヘルツ波で観測しよう! TSUKIMI: Lunar Terahertz SUrveyor for KIlometer-scale MappIng」 18:30- ポスターセッション @ S4-203 (S423) Zijie LIANG (Prof. Fukawa lab) Slotted Unsourced Random Access Using Massive MIMO over Frequency Selective Channels Kui WANG (Prof. Sakaguchi lab) Smart Mobility Digital Twin for Automated Driving Futo NODA (Prof. Tran lab) Proposal of LEO based Population Estimation System using Smartphone Emitted WLAN Signals Zhou DERUN (Prof. Takada lab) Prediction of Shadowing Loss of 2D Object by Mirror Kirchhoff Approximation with Unequal Interval Yaxiang WU (Prof. Hirokawa lab) Millimeter-Wave Slot Array Antennas using Gap Waveguides and Perpendicular Corporate-Feed Parallel Plates for Simplified Fabrication Chun WANG (Prof. Okada lab) 300GHz-band 4-Element Amplifier-Last Phased-Array Transmitter
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Prof. Wei Deng and Prof. Xiang Gao
清華大のWei Deng先生(SSCS DL)と浙江大学のXiang Gao先生が、東工大を訪問されました。 5/2(木) 15:30-16:30 Prof. Wei Deng (SSCS DL講演会) “Joint Radar-communication CMOS Transceiver” 16:30-17:30 Prof. Xiang Gao “Frac-N Sampling PLL with Phase Detection and Quantization Noise Cancellation in a Single Ramp Generation” ★各講演の詳細 (Talk 1) Speaker: Prof. Wei Deng (Tsinghua University) Title: Joint Radar-communication CMOS Transceiver: From System Architecture to Circuit Design Abstract: Recent years, millimeter-wave and Terahertz radar systems for sensing and radio systems for communication have attracted substantial attention both from the academia and industry. In addition, there is an increasing demanding for fusing both the hardware platform and frequency band of the radar and radio system, which has advantages of energy efficiency, performance optimization, spectrum sharing/efficiency, compact size, interference management, and the overall cost, as compared to assembling of two distinct systems. This lecture will introduce the current and future trends in the emerging joint radar-communication CMOS transceiver from system architecture to circuit design. Bio: Wei Deng received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2013. He was with Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA, USA, working on RF, mm-wave, and mixed-signal IC design for wireless transceivers and Apple A-series processors. Currently he is with Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, as an Associate Professor. His research interests include RF, mm-wave, terahertz, and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems for wireless communications, sensing, and imaging systems. He has authored or co-authored more than 160 IEEE journal and conference articles. Dr. Deng is a TPC Member of ISSCC, VLSI, A-SSCC, CICC and ESSCIRC. He has been an Associate Editor and a Guest Editor of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), a Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal of Solid-state Circuits (JSSC), and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS). (Talk 2) Speaker: Prof. Xiang Gao (Zhejiang University) Title: Frac-N Sampling PLL with Phase Detection and Quantization Noise Cancellation in a Single Ramp Generation Abstract: Conventional PLLs detecting phase error in the time domain using a phase frequency detector often suffer from poor in-band phase noise due to the limited phase detector (PD) gain. The (Sub-)Sampling PLL is becoming a popular low jitter PLL architecture due to high gain of the SSPD. However, the high gain SSPD has a limited linear detection range, which is a challenge in fractional-N operation with the quantization noise. This talk presents a SPLL design with a merged constant-slope digital-to-time converter(DTC) and sampling phase detector (CSDTC-SPD). It realizes phase detection as well as quantization noise cancellation in a single ramp generation. Bio: Xiang Gao
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Wang Chunさんの博士論文発表会
博士課程のWang Chunさんの博士論文発表会を開催しました!
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Prof. Vadim Issakov
3/28に、IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai/Nagoya Chapterの主催で、DML講演会(Distinguished Microwave Lecture)が開催され、 ブラウンシュヴァイク工科大学(Technische Universität Braunschweig)のProf.Vadim Issakov先生に、ミリ波レーダーの研究についてご講演頂きました。
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大学院入試説明会が開催されます。研究室の見学もできますので、是非、現地参加ください! 第1回 2024年3月27日(水)13:00 - 17:00 第2回 2024年5月10日(金)13:00 - 17:00
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オールCMOSの300 GHz帯フェーズドアレイ送信機を開発
要点 6Gでの実用化が期待される300 GHz帯フェーズドアレイ送信機を安価で量産性に優れたCMOS集積回路により実現 300GHz帯増幅器、アンテナおよびビームフォーマをオールCMOSの同一チップ上に集積することに世界で初めて成功 16×4の2次元フェーズドアレイ送信機を開発、100 Gbps超のデータ速度を達成
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Beyond 5Gに向けた新規デジタル位相同期回路を開発
要点 デジタル位相同期回路の出力信号を高品質化する新方式を開発 新規カスケード型分数分周方式の採用により、スプリアスを大幅に低減 小型、低消費電力にIC実装可能であり、様々なBeyond 5G機器への適用を期待
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ISSCC Student Research Preview (SRP) Poster Award
Dingxin Xuさんが、ISSCC 2023 Student Research Preview (SRP) Poster Awardを受賞しました!
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ISSCC 2024で6件発表
ISSCC 2024で発表します! Regular Session Dingxin Xu, et al.,“A 7GHz Digital PLL with Cascaded Fractional Divider and Pseudo-Differential DTC Achieving -62.1dBc Fractional Spur and 143.7fs Integrated Jitter” Chun Wang, et al.,“A 236-266GHz 4-Element Amplifier-Last Phased-Array Transmitter in 65nm CMOS” Forum Presentation Kenichi Okada, “Low-Power Fractional-N Digital PLL Design Techniques” 湯浅景斗さん、Yi Zhangさん、Chenxin Liuさんが、Student Research Previewで発表します。
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Prof. Vadim Issakov
11/21 ブラウンシュヴァイク工科大学(Technische Universität Braunschweig)のProf.Vadim Issakov先生が東工大に訪問され、最新の研究内容についてご講演頂きました.
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