MCRG Technical Meeting

MCRG Technical Meeting was held.

Due to the Corona disaster, it had been 4 years and 3 months since the last face-to-face meeting was held on 2020/1/16.


5/24(Fri) 17:30-18:30
Invited talk @ S4-202 (S422)
 環境社会理工学院 笠井 康子先生
 TSUKIMI: Lunar Terahertz SUrveyor for KIlometer-scale MappIng」

ポスターセッション @ S4-203 (S423)

Zijie LIANG (Prof. Fukawa lab)
 Slotted Unsourced Random Access Using Massive MIMO
 over Frequency Selective Channels

Kui WANG (Prof. Sakaguchi lab)
 Smart Mobility Digital Twin for Automated Driving

Futo NODA (Prof. Tran lab)
 Proposal of LEO based Population Estimation System
 using Smartphone Emitted WLAN Signals

Zhou DERUN (Prof. Takada lab)
 Prediction of Shadowing Loss of 2D Object by Mirror
 Kirchhoff Approximation with Unequal Interval

Yaxiang WU (Prof. Hirokawa lab)
 Millimeter-Wave Slot Array Antennas using Gap Waveguides
 and Perpendicular Corporate-Feed Parallel Plates
 for Simplified Fabrication

Chun WANG (Prof. Okada lab)
 300GHz-band 4-Element Amplifier-Last Phased-Array Transmitter